Reasons you should use an interdental brush when wearing braces

Right from the moment the little angel grows his first tooth, you should gradually develop the habit of brushing your child’s teeth to take good care of the baby’s oral cavity.

Dental care is an extremely arduous task, especially for young children. Many parents will have questions about how to take care of their baby’s teeth and whether brushing their baby’s teeth is necessary.

1. Do you need to brush your child’s teeth?

Although the baby’s teeth are very small, it is also very important, because it is the foundation for future teeth to develop. If the teeth are not good, the child will have difficulty speaking and chewing. Therefore, you need to take care of your baby’s teeth to avoid decay.

2. How to take care of your baby’s teeth

You should pay attention to your baby’s dental care right now. However, at this point, you don’t need to use a toothbrush or toothpaste. You only need to use a soft and damp cloth to do this. Wipe your baby’s gums twice a day.

Use your fingers to clean the gums first, then clean the baby’s tongue. Clean your baby’s gums right after feeding and before going to bed to remove bacteria and prevent plaque that can cause tooth decay.

3. How to brush your baby’s teeth

When you see the first tooth coming in, you can start using a toothbrush to brush your baby’s teeth. Use a soft brush with a large handle and small head. Replace the toothbrush with a new one every 2-4 months.

When your baby is 3 years old, you can start giving her a small amount of fluoride toothpaste, gently brushing the front and back of her teeth.

When your child is 6 years old, you can let him brush his teeth on his own, but before that you should guide and help him.

If you see signs of tooth decay, brown or white spots on your baby’s teeth, take him to the doctor. In fact, even if your baby doesn’t have any dental problems, you should still take him to the dentist when he’s 1 year old. Your dentist will give you advice on how to care for your baby’s teeth, toothpaste and thumb sucking.

4. Should you brush your baby’s gums?

According to the dentist, your baby’s gums need to be cleaned after each feeding. This will help limit bacterial growth and help promote oral health. However, you should not use a brush, but only use a soft cloth to clean your baby’s gums.

5. How to prevent tooth decay?

Children are very susceptible to tooth decay. To prevent this, you should only give your baby breast milk, formula or water and not soft drinks, juices or sugary drinks as these can cause tooth decay. Bacteria often like to eat sugar from soft drinks and produce acids that cause tooth decay.

Do not put your baby to bed with a full bottle of milk or a bottle of juice, but replace it with water.

6. Is fluoride toothpaste safe for babies?

Toothpaste containing fluoride can help prevent tooth decay. Even if your baby swallows a little, it’s okay, but you have to make sure he only swallows a small amount.

Tooth decay can affect your baby’s learning to speak and nutrition. So take care of your baby’s teeth carefully. You can also teach your child to brush his or her own teeth, or at least give it a try. Make brushing your teeth a fun activity!